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According to Vitalik Buterin, one of the co-founders of Ethereum, the complexity of the systеm may increase significantly in the future, so he proposed limiting the number of required signatures for a slot. Currently, the Proof-of-Stake algorithm, which is used in the network’s second cryptocurrency, requires validators to have multiple cryptographic signatures to operate on the blockchain. This complicates the systеm and requires large resources.

According to Buterin, with an increase in the number of validators in the Ethereum network, the load on the systеm will also increase, which means more signatures will be required. In this regard, Buterin proposes to change the design of the consensus algorithm and limit the number of signatures to 8,192 per slot.

There are several ways to do this, and one of Buterin’s suggested is to focus on decentralized staking pools. This approach will significantly increase the amount of ether required to become a validator and will force validators to join pools. Another idea is to create two levels of validators with different ETH volume requirements for signing transactions. Validators of different levels will have different priorities. You can also introduce validator rotation, that is, randomly sеlect a certain number of validators for each slot. This will help distribute the load and reduce the number of signatures, but will also complicate the systеm.

Recently, at the Devconnect conference in Turkey, Buterin presented the entire Ethereum development strategy.