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The first NFT-picture that has been in space.

From September 30 to October 9, the NFT-exhibition of the famous poet and artist Vasily Popov was held in the Central Museum of Communications named after A. S. Popov, St. Petersburg, for the first time in Russia. The exposition, organized by Gazinformservice, was called “The Art of the Possible”.

The exhibition featured 16 canvases, each of which is a physical realization of a digital NFT-picture. The centerpiece of the composition was a painting, the physical version of which went to the International Space Station (ISS) on March 18 this year, along with Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev, as well as the rest of the crew of the Soyuz MS-21 spacecraft. The canvas spent more than six months in space, and on the eve of the exhibition, it safely returned to Earth.

“When I drew this NFT, this astronaut, I immediately imagined that he would fly into space, that he would be a digital pioneer.

And so it happened.”

In the spring of 2021, Vasily Popov began to paint digital paintings as part of his first large-scale NFT project — Entities (ENTITIES), which is presented on the largest marketplace of non-fungible tokens OpenSea. Based on the collection, the poet also wrote a book, which became the world’s first NFT novel.

To create his next collection presented at the exhibition, the author turned to the theme of space and astronautics.

Как родилась идея создать NFT и отправить её в космос?